
The Quick and Dirty Book Review, 9/8

1. The Art Thief, Noah Charney: From Publisher's Weekly, via amazon.com...

"flat characters, overly technical exposition and a plot implausible even in the wake of The Da Vinci Code"

The ever ebullient folks at PW finally find something to sink their teeth into, and realize they haven't had a good meal in a long time.

2. The Gargoyle, Andrew Davidson: 'Andrew Davidson Talks About Becoming a Writer' on amazon.com...

"This ambition lasted until I was ten years old, when I spent a year gazing into the abyss, hoping that the abyss would not gaze back at me."

And then, last week, you realized you were a pompous asshole who can only substitute vagueness for emotional depth and authorial insight.

3. Balls, Nanci Kincaid: from the book jacket...

"They see football as it really is--sexy, dirty, sweaty, painful, empowering, corrupt."

Yes, they used "sweaty" to talk about Balls. They also wrote "thuack!" in big quotes on the back cover. Somewhere, someone at Random House is wondering if their joke has gone too far, and Ms. Kincaid is continuing to lose touch with a younger, perhaps cruder, generation.

1 comment:

SugarKane said...

"The chapters are in order."